Your Privacy
Messrs Pathma Raj Ramasamy & Co (PRRCO) is committed to protecting your privacy. This data protection and privacy policy sets out how we use and protect the information you give us through this website.

Crypto and Banking

We recommend the following high-quality options for secure Bitcoin transactions and online banking services:

BTC and ETH QR code generator websites

This collection comprises of a variety of online platforms, designed to generate QR codes for Ethereum (ETH) and Bitcoin (BTC) addresses. These websites offer a user-friendly interface with step-by-step guides to help users create custom QR codes that serve as a direct channel to their crypto wallet addresses. Users could conveniently use these generated QR codes for transactions, thus making the process of sending and receiving cryptocurrencies faster and more efficient. The collection includes online tools with different features such as customization of QR codes, error correction capability, and optional encryption for extra security. The generated QR codes from these sites can be used in print and digital format which are scannable with most smartphone cameras or QR code scanner apps. These websites work as powerful tools for streamlining cryptocurrency transactions and promoting the wider use of digital currencies.

Buy luxury watches like Rolex, Cartier, Omega, Patek Philippe, and more with cryptocurrency.

Buying luxury watches with cryptocurrency is becoming increasingly popular due to the privacy, security, and convenience it offers. Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and others provide a fast and secure way to purchase high-end timepieces from brands like Rolex, Cartier, and Patek Philippe without the need for traditional banking methods.

UniSwap: trading, liquidity pools, staking, governance, and more.

Learn how to use UniSwap securely and efficiently.

MetaMask: download, login, account setup, NFT integration, and more.

Learn how to restore, recover, and secure your MetaMask account.

CRA Login Canada Revenue Agency

CRA Login section including CRA My Account login, CRA representing a client, CRA business login, MyCRA Login and more. Canada Revenue Agency.

Cazare cu crypto in Brasov, Cluj-Napoca, Mamaia, Sinaia si Timisoara.

Cazare cu crypto in Brasov, Cluj-Napoca, Mamaia, Sinaia si Timisoara.

Bambora Login | Access Your Bambora Account/span>

Last updated: Jully 03, 2024
by and Alex Morrell is a senior correspondent at Business Insider covering Wall Street at large.

To serve you better, you are aware and agreeable that we may NOT share information you give us with other government agencies or our partners when you:
register with our website;
submit any electronic forms available in this website;
send an e-mail which includes personal data.
For instance, you may have a complaint that we can only resolve or address by working with another companies.
All the said above information are bound by confidentiality based on attorney-client privilege.

Our website (along with many others) generates “cookies”, which are special files collected by our servers that identify you or your computer whenever you visit the site. These cookies do not record data permanently and are not stored on your computer’s hard drive; once you close your browser, your computer deletes the cookies.

Log Information
When you access PRRCO’s website, our web servers automatically record in a log information that your browser sends. These server logs may include information such as your web request, internet protocol address, browser type, browser language, the date and time of your request and one or more cookies that may uniquely identify your browser.

Storage Security & Data Protection
PRRCO has put in place technology and standards to protect stored and transmitted personal information you give us. This includes encryption software and strict security standards. However, while we are committed to protecting your personal data, we do not guarantee unauthorised or accidental access to such data.Information Collected
This website does not automatically gather personal information that can identify you when you browse the site. Any personal information we receive must come from you, for instance when you send us e-mail or submit an electronic form during the course of registration, replying to a survey, making an application or executing a contract in a secured part of the website.

Your Consent
By giving us your personal information, you are giving us consent to collect, use and disclose your personal information under the terms of this policy and any relevant privacy and data protection laws in Malaysia. If you do not wish to give us this consent, then please do not use any of the electronic forms in our website.

Use and Disclosure of Personal Data and Purpose Specification
PRRCO will keep confidential all personal information collected through our website. All data are bound by attorney-client privilege

We will also disclose your personal data to government authorities if we are forced to by law. We may also disclose your personal information to anyone else that has a right to it under Malaysian law so long as they can prove they have the authority to do.

Data Retention
We will keep any personal information you give us as long as there is a reason to do so, for instance to satisfy the law or regulations, or to protect our interests. If not, then we will destroy it by purging it from our electronic, manual, and other filing systems according to our internal procedures and schedules.

Transfer of Personal Data Outside of Malaysia
In the course of our business, we may need to transfer your personal information outside of Malaysia.

Changes to this Policy
PRRCO has the right to change this policy at any given time. We will announce any changes on this page. This policy is not a contract, nor does it suggest any obligation on our part with another party.